Frequently Asked Questions about the Chatham Kent Community Foundation Grant Program

It is a charitable, community foundation registered with Canada Revenue Agency. Its primary aims are:

  • To connect donors who care with causes that matter
  • To act as an independent centre for community philanthropy
  • To provide a vehicle for donors from all walks of life to leave a legacy to be invested and used to support community initiatives in perpetuity
  • To be known for responsible stewardship and prudent investment practices
  • To be locally, volunteer driven
  • To create a better community for today, tomorrow, forever

The Foundation receives charitable donations which it prudently invests and a portion of the income from investment is used annually to provide grants to community groups.

Infrequently, as in the case of South Kent Wind, some flow through funding will be provided on a time limited basis in order to invest in the community while a long term pledge of capital is donated over a designated pledge period. For example, in the case of South Kent Wind, this pledge period is 20 years. As the long term investment grows, generating greater investment income , the short term, flow through funding decreases.

Donors of significant sums may set some specific priorities for the disbursement of the grant revenue generated from their investment.

These are called donor designated and donor advised funds.
A donor designated fund is one where the recipient organization is a matter of agreement with the Foundation at the time of the endowment.

A donor advised fund is one for which the donor retains a right to consult and determine the recipients of the grants from the proceeds of their investment. Such recommendations must be congruent with Foundation grant policy.

South Kent Wind is an example of a donor advised fund. They have identified 5 areas of giving:

• Local Communities: Grants will be granted to geographic communities that are within close proximity to the South Kent Wind project. These grants can be used for facilities, programs and organizations that support building strong and vibrant communities in Chatham-Kent.

• Environmental: Grants will be granted to initiatives and programs that support community action on ecological preservation, restoration, land stewardship and education.

• Youth and Education: Grants will be granted to programs and organizations that are working in the community to meet the needs of children and youth development through education, recreation or safety. Special attention will be given to programs that build individual and community based leaders.

• Health and Wellness: Grants will be granted to organizations that are working proactively on building and supporting individual and community health and wellness. Special attention will be given to programs that are working collaboratively on finding ways to support families by acknowledging the importance of the social determinants of health.

• First Nations and Metis: Grants will be granted to causes that benefit First Nations and Metis whose traditional territory is within Chatham-Kent. Special attention will be given to programs that have been identified by area First Nation and Metis communities.

The percentage requirement for disbursement is set by the Canada Revenue Agency, (CRA). The amount available in a given year is calculated using the average year end market value of perpetual fund assets for the two previous years multiplied by the CRA mandated percentage rate. The year end market values used exclude funds managed for others, funds attributed to operations and flow through funds held within the entire CKCF Investment Portfolio.

Funding is available from several streams.
The overall Chatham Kent Community Fund
Donor Designated Funds (donors designate organizations to receive the proceeds of their endowment)
Donor Advised Funds (donors consult annually on the disposition of the grant proceeds of their endowment)
Transitional, in year Flow Through Funds (by specific agreement)

  1. The Foundation supports charitable organizations concerned with education, health, arts and culture, recreation and social services that operate for the citizens of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.
  2. Grants are made only to registered charitable organizations. Organizations seeking funds must demonstrate a strong, committed Board, fiscal responsibility and management qualifications.
  3. Grants are awarded for definite purposes ,and for projects covering a specified period of time. Multi-year grants are subject to periodic performance reviews.
  4. Preference Is given to projects which:
    1. Encourage more efficient use of community resources
    2. Expect to test or demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of community problems
    3. Are developed in consultation with other agencies and planning groups, and those which promote co-ordination, co-operation and sharing among organizations and the elimination of duplicated services
  5. Promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement in the community
  6. Expect to strengthen internal management capabilities of agencies.
  7. Capital projects will be considered if there is a demonstrated need (see also Can I Reapply?)
  8. Bursaries and scholarships are usually awarded to educational institutions and not to individuals.
  9. Grants are not usually made to support normal operating expenses of established organizations or programs.
    9. Grants are not made to establish or add to endowment funds.
    10. Grants are not usually made to support or sponsor major fund raising events, the proceeds of which are directed to the fund raising goal of another Foundation or charitable organization.
  10. Projects whose primary goal is to support the delivery of political or religious activities are not eligible.

An organization must be a registered charity, able to provide a Revenue Canada Agency registration number. The organization must also provide programs/services within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

The Foundation considers applications for special operating funds intended as one time investments to introduce a new program/service or significantly expand or improve an existing program/service. Foundation grants are not normally approved for ongoing, existing operational requirements as the funding is intended to move the community forward in new directions.

There are two calls for applications, one in the spring with a deadline of March 31 and one in the fall with a deadline of September 30. Typically, a larger proportion of the funds available in any given year are granted in the spring.

The Board of Directors of the Chatham Kent Community Foundation is responsible for making grant decisions. To inform the process, a sub- committee of Board directors and community directors at large reviews all of the eligible applications. Part of this review includes receiving recommendations from designated groups or individuals representing donor advised funds. An example of this is the South Kent Wind Community Fund Advisory Committee. As a result of the work of the Chatham Kent Community Foundation Grant Advisory Committee, a set of recommendations for awarding grants is forwarded to the Board of Directors of the Foundation for approval. This usually takes place twice annually.

Notifications by email for the fall cycle of grants are made in early December and notifications for the spring cycle of grants are made in late May and early June.

The money will be paid within a few weeks of notification of the success of the grant application.
Recipients are encouraged to attend the Foundation’s annual meeting in June to be congratulated and recognized and to participate in media coverage as the Foundation may arrange. This helps get the word out about the work of both the Foundation and the recipient organization in the community and encourages interest from other applicants.

A project report, outlining how the money was spent is required.

The application is found on our website at www.chathamkentcommunityfoundation.ca/grants/apply/

You may contact the Executive Director of the Foundation by email at:


While there is no limit to the amount a grant seeker may request, we encourage you to review the FAQs to develop a sense of the kind of projects approved, the average grant per project and the amount of money available for the current year to assist in developing realistic expectations of the funding available through all funding streams of the Foundation.

The number of grant approvals is constrained by the amount of money available in any given year. In addition, the Foundation seeks to support projects which demonstrate broad community application and benefit where the grant of the Foundation can be a significant factor in the project’s success and ability to move forward.

Projects of significant magnitude such as major capital projects will be considered when the project is able to demonstrate that other sources of funding, sufficient to ensure the implementation of the project, are in place or anticipated and that a grant from the Foundation will add value or close a funding gap. In some instances, Foundation grants may be made conditional upon certain criteria being met.

Eligible applicants may reapply and are encouraged to seek feedback on their original application and to review the FAQ section of the Foundation website.

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