Past Grants

was disbursed in grants to 88 charitable organizations in Chatham-Kent in 2024.
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Organizations receiving grants in 2024 from the Community Fund of the Chatham Kent Community Foundation:


Blenheim Youth Centre

To purchase program supplies and materials for the Recreation & Leisure pillar of BYC programming.  Funding includes a contribution from the JoLynn Deprez Athletic Fund.


Active Lifestyle Centre

To fund planning and installation of horseshoe pits. Funding includes a contribution from the Joseph P. and Colleen O’Neill Community Betterment Fund.


Blenheim Area Prevent a Litter (B-A-Pal)

To implement a Trap, Neuter, and Return program/promoting responsible pet ownership. Funding includes a contribution from the Mary and Al Woods Animal Welfare Fund.


Catherine McVean Chapter IODE

To provide fencing for a new dog park in Dresden. Funding includes a contribution from the George Garnet Case Fund.


Chatham Kent Animal Rescue

To fund the Precious Partners Program – vaccines, dental, spay/neuter, and a one-year grant writing course. Funding includes a contribution from the Mary and Al Woods Animal Welfare Fund.



To support the FreeHelpck Free Backpack program.


Kenesserie Camp

Relocation of 3 pairs of camper cabins away from the Lake Erie bluff. Funding includes a contribution from the Wayne and Sylvia Barnard Family Fund and the Ontario Endowment for Children and Youth in Recreation.


Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

To purchase trees and to enact LTVCA website development and improvements. Funding includes a contribution from the Dr. Don and Denny Patterson Environmental Legacy Fund.


PAW Pet and Wildlife Rescue

To build an adoption centre for local shelter cats at the Chatham Glasshouse. Funding includes a contribution from the Mary and Al Woods Animal Welfare Fund.


R.O.C.K. (Reach Out Chatham-Kent)

To help fund staff and overhead costs for a new drop-in centre location.


University of Guelph, Ridgetown Campus

To continue to improve the small animal colony housing at the Ridgetown Campus. Funding includes a contribution from the Mary and Al Woods Animal Welfare Fund.


YMCA of Chatham-Kent

To support financial subsidies for children, families and individuals to access Y facilities and programs.

Organizations receiving grants in 2024 from the South Kent Wind Community Fund, a donor advised fund of the Chatham Kent Community Foundation:


Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent

To renovate and improve the Alzheimer Society office facility.


Blenheim Area Prevent a Litter

To run the Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR) program for feral and stray cats in the Blenheim and surrounding communities.


Blenheim Christian Reformed Church

To purchase food for the Good Things Outreach, weekly food delivery in Blenheim and Ridgetown.


Buxton National Historic Site & Museum

To improve accessibility to museum buildings by purchasing a portable ramp.


Chatham Kent Women's Centre

To run the Chatham-Kent Trauma Support Program.


Chatham-Kent Drug Awareness Council

To run the International Overdose Awareness Day event, Recover Out Loud event, and the Recovery Breakfast.


Chatham-Kent Health Alliance Foundation

To purchase a new bladder scanner ($15,000 in the Fall of 2024 and $15,000 in the Spring of 2025).


Chatham-Kent Hospice Foundation

To run the Comfort & Care Enhancement Program.


Highgate District Agricultural Society

To replace the refrigerator and freezer at Highgate Fairgrounds.


Jennifer Ashleigh Children's Charity

To provide financial assistance to low-income families with a child experiencing a significant medical event/diagnosis.


Junior Achievement South Western Ontario

To deliver 10 financial literacy programs in Chatham Kent schools.


King George VI Home and School Association

To purchase 20 Chromebooks.


Knox Pantry & Soup Cellar

To purchase food for hot lunches and to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables and meat to distribute weekly.


Learning Disabilities Association of Chatham-Kent

To help fund the FRIENDS program – four cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) based programs.


Linck Child, Youth and Family Supports

To develop an intensive training and consultation model to staff who support youth with complex mental health and behavioural needs.


Linck Child, Youth, & Family Supports

To implement a new technology system to support Measurement-Based Care (MBC).


Make Children Better Now

To help support a performing arts summer camp.


Merlin Parks & Recreation

To make upgrades to landscaping around equipment shed, multipurpose building, bathroom and dugouts.


Moraviantown United Church

To provide nutritious meals semi-annually to Delaware First Nation.


New Beginnings ABI & Stroke Recovery Association

To purchase supplies and pay for transportation for Day Programming.


Palmyra Community Club

Roof repair and painting for a schoolhouse building.


R.O.C.K. (Reach Out Chatham-Kent)

To cover day-to-day expenses and to purchase supplies for the Wallaceburg Drop-In Centre.


STEM Camp Foundation

To send 20 disadvantaged children to STEM Camp in Chatham.


The Village Resource Centre

To purchase groceries to sustain the food assistance program.


Wallaceburg & District Ukuleles

To purchase a portable speaker and amplification system.


Wallaceburg Concert Band

To purchase musical instruments.


Wallaceburg District Secondary School Tartan

To purchase a commercial treadmill.

Organizations receiving grants in 2024 from the Chatham Kent Community Foundation and the South Kent Wind Community Fund:


Blenheim Youth Centre

To support summer programs – materials, travel, direct staffing costs, field trips, and promotions.


Boys and Girls Club of Chatham-Kent

To run the Ready, Set, Thrive! and CORE programs.


Campfire Circle

To send a family to Rainbow Lake Camp – a camp for children with cancer and serious illness.


Canadian Cancer Society

To operate the Wheels of Hope Transportation Service.


Chatham Hope Haven

For repairs and improvements on the Wellington St. building.


Chatham Kent Women's Centre

To replace a 6-foot security fence on the NW and NE exterior side of the Women’s Centre building.


Chatham Off Road Biking Association

To complete the multi-use pump track project in Chatham.


Chatham-Kent Drug Awareness Council

To upgrade website & social media and to support International Overdose Awareness Day.


Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Center

Safety and consent workshops for approximately 2,000 students between the ages of 13 and 18.


First Presbyterian Church

To fund the Saturday Breakfast program.


Floyd Foundation for Animal Treatment

Subsidized veterinary services for clients who cannot afford expensive surgery or medical treatments for their pets.


HomeCare On Wheels Foundation

To support homecare visits for seniors and persons with disabilities.


Kiwanis Club of C-K / Dollywood Foundation of Canada

To fund Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program.


Knox Pantry and Soup Cellar

To purchase supplies for lunches and the food pantry.


Lend-A-Hand School Breakfast Programs

To fund a daily nutritious snack program for children in 6 Wallaceburg schools.


May Court Club of Chatham

To fund the QE II PS Breakfast Program and the Emergency Lunch Box Program in 19 schools.


Merlin Senior Citizens Friendship Club

To replace the floor in the clubhouse and bathroom.


Merlin United Church Foodbank

To purchase supplies for the Merlin United Church food bank.


NeighbourLink C-K

aWAY Opportunities – program to send local needy children to C-K summer camps in July-August 2024.


Ridgetown District High School

To purchase sensory equipment for Special Education classes, playground equipment, and Chromebooks.


Scouts Canada Camp Cataraqui

To install electrical power for lights and heat, insulation and heating source for two cabins.


Society of St. Vincent de Paul/St. Joseph St. Ursula Conference

To purchase supplies for the Pantry and Bagged Lunch programs.


SWONT Conductive Education Trust Fund

To fund Conductor Teachers to come to Canada and to provide the Conductive Education program.


The Village Resource Centre

To purchase safety items, instructional and professional equipment.


Rotary Club of Tilbury / Tilbury Area Action Team

To fund leadership training, educational & recreational activities for the youth of Tilbury and area.


Thamesville Sertoma Club

To add a more modern, functional and accessible washroom at the Sertoma Hall.


Trinity United Church

To provide a free full-course hot meal, once a month, open to the whole Wallaceburg community.


Westover Treatment Centre

To purchase new folding chairs for client meetings, programming sessions and events such as commencement.

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